How to Manage Your Follows and Notifications
You can choose to "follow" to areas of the community to help you stay up to date with activity that is of interest to you, including new content, replies to posts and solutions and to get the most out of your community membership. How to Follow In each area of the community you will find the follow icon in the top right of the screen. Click it to follow the community board (blog, forum etc) that you are currently on. When you click the icon, the + will turn to a tick. Managing Your Follows Click on your avatar image in the top right corner. From the drop-down menu, select "My Settings". Select "Follows & Notifications" along the top menu bar. You will be presented with a list of the content and places you follow. Hover to the right of the content activity listing and click on the 3 dots that appear. You can leave your Follows as they are if you would like to continue receiving activity notifications, or choose to Unfollow. Managing Your Notifications On the same menu option "Follows and Notifications" you can manage how and when you are notified about community activity. Scroll down to "Email Notifications". Toggle to Get Email Notifications. When the toggle is on, a list titled "Receive email notifications when..." will appear. You can edit each setting to your preference for each option. You can choose between immediate, daily digest, weekly digest and never. How to View Your Notifications To view your notifications, click the Bell at the top right of the page. You'll be presented with a list of notifications you've received since you last checked your notifications. Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.81Views1like0CommentsHow to Follow Tags
If you take interest in a particular topics, you can follow tags so that you never miss new content related to that topic. How to Follow Tags On many community pages, you will find a widget on the right side of the screen titled "Tags". Simply select the tag that you'd like to filter on by clicking on it. This will show you all content related to the tag you have selected. To follow the tag, click the bell icon in the top right of the screen. Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.108Views2likes0CommentsHow to Use Tags
How to Use Tags A tag is a single keyword or phrase that describes the topic, theme, or subject of a piece of content within the community. This could be a discussion post, an article or an event. Tagging helps to organize community content and helps others to discover posts which are of interest to them. In this community, all tags are pre-defined. How to Tag a Post All forum discussions should be tagged. Simply select the relevant tag(s) before hitting "Post" on your discussion How to Use Tags to Optimise Your Search On many community pages, you will find a widget on the right side of the screen titled "Tags". Simple select the tag that you'd like to filter on by clicking on it. The content displayed will be adjusted based on the tag(s) you have selected. Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.66Views1like0CommentsHow to Mark as Solution
If you've asked a question on one of the community forums, you have the option to mark one or more answers as a solution. Please only do this if you are the question asker. When you mark an answer as a solution, the reply marked as the solution is pinned to the question. This helps community members to find the answer easily if your question comes up again. How to Mark as Solution Navigate to your question. Find the answer that you'd like to "Mark as Solution". Click the grey text "Mark as Solution". You will see the grey text turn to a green box and the reply will be pinned to the question. Other community members will see this, too. You can repeat this process if there is more than one solution to your question. The member(s) who posted the solution reply will receive a notification. Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.71Views1like0CommentsHow to Answer a Question
If you think you can help a community peer with their question, you can answer it question by replying, as long as you're signed in. How to Answer a Question Just go to any forum if you want to reply to another person’s post or comment, click "Reply". Type your text in the message editor and click "Reply". When typing, you can even mention other community members. Just type “@” followed by the member’s username. A pop-up menu appears as you type. If you want to see which questions are still awaiting a solution and where you can add value, filter the forum by "No Solutions Yet" or go to "Answer Questions" on the Help & Support Forum. If your answer was helpful to the member who posted the question, they have the option to "Mark as Solution", which you'll be notified about. Remember, this isn't a space to simply share the answer. Feel free to share tips and hints, but let's keep the full answers to ourselves. Explore the Forums Community Forum Help & Support Forum Cyber Million Forum Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.86Views1like0CommentsHow to Ask a Question
You can ask a question on any of our community forums, as long as you're signed in. How to Ask a Question Just go to any forum and click the button to "Ask a Question" or "Start a Discussion" If you want to reply to another person’s post or comment, click Reply. Type your text in the message editor and click Publish, Post or Reply. When typing, you can even mention other community members. Just type “@” followed by the member’s username. A pop-up menu appears as you type. Depending on how members have set up their notifications, they might be notified immediately, and you might get your answer super fast. Explore the Forums Community Forum Help & Support Forum Cyber Million Forum Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.72Views1like0CommentsHow to Search
You can search for content, people, and places within this community. Additionally, the community provides a lot of tools to make searching easier. Start your search by typing in the Search bar at the top of every page. As you type you might see some search results suggestions. If none of the auto-suggestions look like what you need, run your search. Results are displayed on the Search results page. You can narrow and refine your search in a few ways: You can search for results that were updated within a specific timeframe You can search for questions that already have a solution You can search for results from a specific area of the community You can search for results from a specific author You can search for specific content types You can search for results that have been tagged with specific key words Make sure to look through existing threads to avoid duplicating topics. You might find your question has already been answered! Why not give it a try now? Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.83Views1like0CommentsHow to Change Your Preferences
You're part of a global community with The Human Connection, so there any many timezones and local preferences available to choose from to enhance your community experience. In My Preferences, you can: Change your default Time Zone Change your Date Display Format Change your Date Display Style To update Your Preferences: Click on your avatar image in the top right corner. From the drop-down menu, select "My Settings". Choose "Preferences" along the top option bar. Your preferences are auto-saved after you update them. Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.72Views0likes0CommentsHow to Update Your Avatar Image
Your avatar is part of your community identity and helps other members see who they are communicating with. Follow these steps to change your avatar image: Sign in to your account in the top right of the navigation bar. Click on your avatar image in the top right corner. From the drop-down menu, select “My Settings”. Click on the pencil icon on your profile photo. On the Edit Avatar screen, select from the collection of preset avatars or upload your own profile photo. Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.86Views0likes0CommentsHow to Update Your Profile
The Human Connection is all about making authentic connections within the cybersecurity industry, so we'd love you to show up as yourself. After registering your account, we recommend that you update your avatar image, share any biographical information and invite peers to get to know you! The information you provide will be visible to others when you interact within the community and when members click on your profile. To update your profile: Click on your avatar image in the top right corner. From the drop-down menu, select "My Settings". Type in the available fields. We recommend bio and location as a minimum. Follow How to Update Your Avatar Image to update your avatar image. When you're done, simply save your changes. Need more help? If you have any questions about registering, signing in, or accessing content in the community, reach out to the Community.77Views1like0Comments