Forum Discussion

LisaBarber's avatar
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6 months ago

Is it important to complete a collection in the order the labs appear?

Is it important to complete a collection in the order the labs appear?

  • Hey LisaBarber 👋

    If a collection has episode numbers, the collection has been designed to be completed in that order, and later labs may rely on information covered earlier in the collection. However, this is not enforced, and you can complete the labs in any order.

    This is not the case in collections that don't use episode numbers, these collections are designed to be completed in any order. 

    In both cases, you can jump straight to the Demonstrate lab – completing that lab will complete the collection without having to finish the other labs in the collection.

    Hope this helps! 

  • Hey LisaBarber 👋

    If a collection has episode numbers, the collection has been designed to be completed in that order, and later labs may rely on information covered earlier in the collection. However, this is not enforced, and you can complete the labs in any order.

    This is not the case in collections that don't use episode numbers, these collections are designed to be completed in any order. 

    In both cases, you can jump straight to the Demonstrate lab – completing that lab will complete the collection without having to finish the other labs in the collection.

    Hope this helps!