Forum Discussion

SpecTechal's avatar
Icon for Bronze I rankBronze I
2 months ago

Ransomware: Annabelle Entry Point

I am attempting to solve the question in the Ransomware: Annabelle lab that goes as follows: "Review the ransomware sample in Ghidra. What is the memory address for the entry point of this export?". Under the symbol tree I navigate to the entry point and see that the value is 1400000b0, yet this doesn't appear to be the correct answer. Can someone point me in the right direction? See screenshot below:


  • If you have answered the previous question: same answer, except for the prefix. The wording with "entry point" is a lil bit confusing, but "that export" makes it quite clear.

  • If you have answered the previous question: same answer, except for the prefix. The wording with "entry point" is a lil bit confusing, but "that export" makes it quite clear.