Forum Discussion

Akshay's avatar
Icon for Bronze II rankBronze II
3 months ago

Nmap: Ep.8 – Scan Output

I need to read a token from the file located at "/home/kali/Desktop/token". I suspect that the telnet service running on port 22 is vulnerable, but telnet is not available on Kali Machine. I have tested all other services, and they appear to be secure. I am uncertain about the next steps to take.

  • You are overthinking this one. Once you do XML -> HTML conversion the token file will be generated on your Desktop.

  • You are overthinking this one. Once you do XML -> HTML conversion the token file will be generated on your Desktop.

    • Akshay's avatar
      Icon for Bronze II rankBronze II

      pboguCan you explain the reasoning behind this? The system only generates a token file when the HTML file is named 'converted-html.html' and does not do so for any other HTML file names.

      • pbogu's avatar
        Icon for Bronze II rankBronze II

        It's just a simple exercise to make sure you familiarize yourself with nmap options and do it. OS monitors the files and once detected you did it correctly/as requested it generates a token and allows you to progress further