FIN7 Threat Hunting with Splunk: Ep.3 – Execution Logs
For this lab I need to rebuild the PowerShell script using the three parts found in the PowerShell operational logs. Which I am able to do fairly easily but when I am required to obtain the MD5 hash of the file I am not getting the correct hash. I've removed any trailing white spaces and return characters. Not matter the setup, I just can't seem to find the special sauce on this one. I've tried numerous approaches and still get a no go. Any tips?
I think you have the artifacts right as you posted the same code I did. If you paste it into cyberchef and then look at the right hand side and click on crlf, try changing it to line feed (see screenshot) and then delete all the red marks that show up. This should give the correct hash (if you select md5 from the cyberchef recipe menu).