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ijunki3's avatar
Icon for Bronze II rankBronze II
4 months ago

Cannot seem to connect to Snaplabs via VPN


I’ve spun up a Snaplabs range - it’s a templated range based on shirts. I seem to be having trouble connecting to it though:

  • I’ve added a VPN and tried to connect to it from several endpoints (including a cloud instance with no filtering) and the connection is never made on port 1194
  • I’ve tried adding an admin machine as it is necessary to connect to different machines via guacamole but I can’t seem to find it anymore. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place.

Any push in the right direction would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

  • ijunki3's avatar
    4 months ago

    Hi Dave, have a new data point for you: looking at my AWS account today I see that there are AdminBox instances that correspond to the instances of shirts and eagle bank that I spawned before. They were not visible in snaplabs though. Stranger still, when I terminated those ranges, these adminbox instances not only did not terminate but they were also switched on. 

    I noticed that when I create Shirts or Eagle Bank, I see that the Range is always marked as "Starting". Could it be that it cannot create AdminBox due to some resource limitation or something?

    I tried creating an introductory range, which I believe is just an AdminBox and a DC. This seems to do the trick.

    Any insight would be appreciated, but I seem to be unblocked at this point!

  • Hi,

    The lack of an AdminBox would very much be the problem as that handles the routing and the VPN. Can you check within your AWS instance to see if it exists within it?



    • ijunki3's avatar
      Icon for Bronze II rankBronze II

      Hi Dave,

      Thanks for your reply - indeed, I don’t seem to have an AdminBox in my setup. How would I add it? I can’t see any option to do this.

      • DaveSpencer's avatar
        Icon for Immerser rankImmerser

        There definitely isn't a method to add a new AdminBox, however all isn't lost. 

        As most of your range is built from the Shirts template , you can create images of the hosts you have added/modified ( and then deploy a fresh shirts template and add the missing/modified hosts from the created images