Cannot seem to connect to Snaplabs via VPN
I’ve spun up a Snaplabs range - it’s a templated range based on shirts. I seem to be having trouble connecting to it though:
- I’ve added a VPN and tried to connect to it from several endpoints (including a cloud instance with no filtering) and the connection is never made on port 1194
- I’ve tried adding an admin machine as it is necessary to connect to different machines via guacamole but I can’t seem to find it anymore. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place.
Any push in the right direction would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Dave, have a new data point for you: looking at my AWS account today I see that there are AdminBox instances that correspond to the instances of shirts and eagle bank that I spawned before. They were not visible in snaplabs though. Stranger still, when I terminated those ranges, these adminbox instances not only did not terminate but they were also switched on.
I noticed that when I create Shirts or Eagle Bank, I see that the Range is always marked as "Starting". Could it be that it cannot create AdminBox due to some resource limitation or something?
I tried creating an introductory range, which I believe is just an AdminBox and a DC. This seems to do the trick.
Any insight would be appreciated, but I seem to be unblocked at this point!