Forum Discussion
puuuh.... I did all of them with some help from netcat
Ep2 > check the chain explorer, you'll find something that you can decode. no brute force needed.
Ep4 > you need to make sure you understand the BigInt in JS vs in ethereum. then you can work with that...
Ep5> empty contract, wtf?! :) --> with selfdestruct might give you some ideas...
Wow, that are some interesting thoughts.
EP2: Tried Bytecode decompilation (with various solidity decompilers) and cyber chef, but my brain blocks when it reads blockchain and java
EP4: I will look into this, thank you for the advise
EP5: This is a very very interesting approach. It looks very promising. Thx for that hint :)
- IotS202410 days ago
Bronze III
EP5: I set up an own contract with a selfDestruct function. The payout address on destruction was set to the Robin Hood contract address. So on destruction the payout should go to this contract and could not be reversed (at least that was my approach).
Did I make something wrong or is this the wrong approach?
I used the console and truffle for this approach. And yes, I transferred ether to the new deployed contract.- steven9 days ago
Silver I
Ep5 > hmm.. I've used truffle, created a contract and so. and then used 0xE60...
const forceSend = await ForceSend.deployed(); await forceSend.destroyAndSend("0xE60...");
- IotS20249 days ago
Bronze III
Yes, maybe I did something wrong the first time. I loved this approach, it really is interesting and very nice. So EP-5 is done. Thank you very much for the help so far. The tip you provided was very very helpful.
Any Tips for EP-3 Decoding? :)