Blog Post
Any additional thoughts if you have more than one team exercising at the same time? If a contest - then surely there will be prizes 😁
But do you recommend any cross-team best practices? Open Slack channel? Checkpoints if in common time zones? Providing help along the way so no team gets too far behind?
- DaveSpencer3 months ago
Hi Joe, that would depend on why you were exercising multiple teams at once. The most common use case is a head to head battle where not only does the winning team get prizes but more importantly they get to gloat about how amazing they are. In this scenario you would keep an eye on the teams scores and submissions and make sure that the teams are fully engaged, but beware if it is a competition some may hold back their answers until they have them all and swoop in for the surprise victory...
On the other hand if you are doing it as more of an educational exercise, you may want to have regular check-ins or milestones where you bring the teams up to the same level before continuing, this can be done by giving status updates about what is happening in the simulation, giving guidance, or even providing some of the answers.