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Immersive Labs Unwrapped

TillyCorless's avatar
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3 months ago

As we usher in the new year, we'd like to pause and reflect on another fast-paced year in the world of Immersive Labs and cybersecurity. This isn't just a recap; it's a tribute to a year of innovation, resilience and our fantastic customers.

So, what are we waiting for? Let's dive into: Immersive Labs “Unwrapped”!

You completed a record number of Labs!

First up, the big one! A whopping 2,300,000+ labs were completed - yes, you read that right! More than two million! Our dedicated team of cyber experts gave you plenty of exciting new content to sink your teeth into as well, releasing 350+ new labs across more than 30 collections - covering everything from cyber fundamentals to the latest CVEs. 

So, a huge thank you to our dedicated base of cyber security heroes who have made the most of our platform every day to learn, upskill and refresh their knowledge in the name of creating a more resilient workforce. 

Completed AppSec labs have also surged, with 900,000+ completions in 2024.

We continued to build out our catalogue of secure coding content with 106 new labs covering 18 languages, our landmark Microsoft Azure collection and our ‘Find the Flaw’ labs for Python, Java and Typescript, to name just a few. 

Proving organisational cyber resilience was essential

2024 was a year for building real-world crisis resilience. You assigned over 1,000 real-time crisis scenarios out to your teams via Crisis Sim, and they rose to the challenge! These exercises brought together 12,000+ enthusiastic problem solvers, all working together to solve challenges and improve their crisis management skills. 

We also had over 550 of you come along to one of our Virtual Crisis Sim events. These one-off live events gave you a glimpse into how to facilitate your own exercise, whilst also putting a fun, seasonal spin on incident response training. Keep your eyes peeled in 2025 as we continue this exciting series!

An unprecedented year in Threat Intelligence

Our threat intelligence team were busy keeping their ears to the ground so you could test yourselves against the most prominent threat actors within 24 hours of a threat being detected. We released 64 new CTI labs, including 23 new CVE labs, to help keep you and your organization up-to-speed and protected against the latest vulnerabilities. 

In 2024, on average our team was able to identify threats and publish new content in just 18 hours, ensuring that Immersive Labs remains one of the go-to platforms for up-to-the-minute threat intelligence preparedness 

These labs prove to be increasingly essential to your cyber readiness, with 45,000+ labs completed across the year. Kudos to everyone who cracked them and a huge shoutout to all of our Cyber Resilience Award winners who were recognised as part of Cyber Awareness Month for their dedication to upskilling against the latest vulnerabilities!

We took Immersive Labs on the road with Cyber Drills 

2024 was also the year that we launched our inaugural Cyber Drills Roadshow. 15 Cyber Drills across 12 cities, spanning 4 continents and a whole lot of cyber security expertise gathered together from London to Sydney! 

Over 350 cyber security experts at the top of their game from some of the world’s biggest organizations joined us to display quick thinking and close communication, as teams worked to manage technical threats across a range of scenarios. The drills highlighted the vital link between technical skills and strategic leadership in navigating complex cyber threats.

DanPotter Immersive Labs’ Director of Operation Resilience, said: 

“This whirlwind tour wasn't just about putting out fires; it was an opportunity to learn, grow, and strengthen our global community. Each drill provided valuable insights, from fostering effective communication among stakeholders to emphasizing the importance of coordinated efforts between leadership and tech teams.”

You can read more about our Cyber Drills Roadshow here

We launched our Human Connection community

Our brand new community, The Human Connection, launched just three months ago. Since September, we’ve welcomed over 600 members, and together we have delivered expert-led content and blueprints, hosted exclusive challenges, and provided vital product enhancement information. Our Help & Support forums have become a hub of peer-to-peer support, resulting in over 120 solutions in less than three months.

We can’t wait to partner with you on the next chapter - thanks for being part of our journey �� 💙

Updated 3 months ago
Version 6.0