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Cyber Drill London: The Power of Community in Cybersecurity

KieranRowley's avatar
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4 months ago

Earlier this week I attended a Cyber Drill in London, it taught me a lot about the power of community in cybersecurity

Earlier this week I attended a Cyber Drill in London hosted by DanPotter and JennyLam β€“ and it was an amazing learning experience!

The event challenged both technical teams and executive decision makers to think on their feet while navigating a realistic and devastating cyberattack.

Dan and Jenny used an impressive mix of technology, storytelling, and knowledge to create an engaging experience that highlighted the crucial role that community can play in preparing for and responding to modern-day cybersecurity threats.

A bad cyber day

We were divided into teams of five and assigned roles on the Executive Leadership Team of Orchid Corp; a fictional tech company responsible for digital certificate issuance and management. On our first day in our new roles, we were hit with a potential security breach!

We had to act quickly, figuring out how to allocate resources, prioritise tasks, and make the right calls – all with limited information from our technical team, who were scrambling to understand the legitimacy and severity of the vulnerability.

As the scenario unfolded, every decision that we made directed us down new paths and revealed new information. The scenario threw us multiple curveballs through various channels such as instant messages, emails, voicemails, and videos, simulating the fast-paced, high-stakes reality of a real cyberattack. Talk about pressure!

Diverse teams, stronger responses

As I looked around the room, the power of teamwork was evident. Each person brought unique experiences to the table, leading to lively discussions and debates as we weighed different perspectives and tried to make sense of the evolving situation.

The exercise highlighted how vital it is to share information and work together in the cybersecurity world. We learned first-hand the importance of collaborating with organisations like the NCSC and sharing insights with industry peers. This collaborative approach proved vital in gaining an understanding of the (fictional) threat groups, enabling us to accurately attribute the attack using the MITRE ATT&CK framework and respond appropriately and proportionately.

The power of community in cybersecurity

But what struck me the most was the winning team's diversity. It comprised people from different countries, industries, and professional backgrounds – highlighting how important it is to have a range of perspectives and experiences when responding to cyberattacks. To celebrate their achievements, the team were awarded our very first Community Challenge Coins.

We need individuals, businesses, and government agencies to work together to combat the constantly changing world of cyber threats. By sharing what we know, best practices, and resources, we can create a safer online world. This event solidified my belief in the power of community in facing today's cybersecurity challenges.

So let’s use this community to connect with each other, expand our networks, and share information to create a stronger, more resilient digital world for everyone.



Find out more about our Global Cyber Drills Roadshow here.

Have you already attended a Cyber Drill Event? Comment below to get your exclusive Digital Community Challenge Coin πŸŽ‰


Published 4 months ago
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