Operational CTI: How Immersive Builds Labs for Real-World Threat Preparedness
This event has now ended. You can watch the recording here. --- 📢 Today's the day! Our exclusive Community webinar'Operational CTI: How Immersive Builds Labs for Real-World Threat Preparedness' will be live at 3pm GMT (10am EST). Here's a few tips to help you get the most from your experience: 🚀 This is a live, interactive session. Make sure you join the session promptly in order to get the full experience. 🔗 To join today's session, visit theevent page or simply use the Zoom link. ❓You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A with our expert panel so you can leave with an action plan to turn your ideas into reality! You can pre-submit questionshere. Event Description Have you ever wondered how Immersive Labs can release CTI labs on the latest threats so quickly? Come backstage with us on this ✨ Community Exclusive ✨ event to learn just how we do it. BenMcCarthy and benhopkins, two of the experts from the CTI team will reveal what it takes to make a lab, some of their favourites from 2024 and what is to come from the CTI team. Agenda What are CTI labs and how do we select labs to build? Build Stage 1 - Research Build Stage 2 - "Labified" Build Stage 3 - Content Build Stage 4 - QA Some of our favourite labs Examples of speedy launches of labs C2 research What next for our Threat Research and CTI Labs You’ll also have the opportunity to pre-submit questionshere so you can ensure that you leave with all of the information you need! This is a Community Exclusive event: Hit the attend button to register. This webinar will be live at 3pm GMT and will be recorded.907Views1like1Comment