This event has now ended. You can watch the recording here.
Come backstage with us to learn the art of designing and executing impactful crisis simulations at our very first ✨ Community Exclu...
Updated 5 months ago
Hey AJinUK the recording will be available right here in the community after the event, but if you're able to join in person, you'll miss the opportunity to put your live questions to our panel - this is an interactive webinar. Hope to see you there!
Unfortunately, I'm unable to join the live event tomorrow so will have to make do with the recording! Thanks
PS JonPaulGabriele & ClemCraven I will probably want to follow-up with one or other of you next week ......
Hi AJinUK I'd be happy to follow-up with you next week if needed.
Thanks, JP. I'll ping you directly by email to set something up
Hi Aj, I can see you are lined up with JP. Let me know if there is anything else you need from me. I'll be happy to catch up as well.