Forum Discussion

T3S0r0's avatar
Icon for Bronze I rankBronze I
15 days ago

Return to Haunted Hollow: Haunted Helpdesk

Hello everyone,

I'm stuck in Q2 of Return to Haunted Hollow (escalate to root).

Does anyone have any hint about what binary or service can be exploited to elevate privileges?

Kind regards,

  • CyberSharpe's avatar
    14 days ago


    Nano worked for me. Ensure you've escaped the initial rbash and you should be good to elevate.

    nano /opt/security-sweep



  • check the usual suspects: suid, cron, ... one of them will give you the possibility to add something to escalate your privs :)

    • BeluczakDelmar's avatar
      Icon for Bronze I rankBronze I

      I found the process in cron and the file it executes,

      But I can't find a way to edit this file, the command for the echo command the operators > and >> are blocked and there is no tool for editing text files (vi, vim, namo, etc.).

      • CyberSharpe's avatar
        Icon for Bronze III rankBronze III


        Nano worked for me. Ensure you've escaped the initial rbash and you should be good to elevate.

        nano /opt/security-sweep

