Forum Discussion

peter's avatar
Icon for Bronze I rankBronze I
11 days ago

Kubernetes: Native Logging

In lab "Kubernetes: Native Logging" I really cannot understand the question - "What is the token for creating the correct audit rule as specified in the Tasks?" - in step 9. 

I configured auditing correctly and went through all steps (except 9), and also found the answer for the last 11th step but I really cannot understand the question in step 9.

I found one token in audit log, decoded from base64 but that's not correct answer.

Anybody can help?


  • Ok. I tried to do the lab 2nd time and this time the token was automatically shown in the terminal when I updated both files to correct configuration for audit rule. Doing it first time, I don't remember the token was there. But I might over-look it.

    Thank you,


  • Ok. I tried to do the lab 2nd time and this time the token was automatically shown in the terminal when I updated both files to correct configuration for audit rule. Doing it first time, I don't remember the token was there. But I might over-look it.

    Thank you,
