EC2: Demonstrate Your Skills
Hello everyone,
Q9 (Once your load balancer is active, visit the website via its DNS name. What is the token from the webpage?) from EC2: Demonstrate Your Skills is giving an incorrect answer, tough all previous questions are marked green and I'm filling with the exact output from the page (a six digits number).
Anyone with the same error?
Hey T3S0r0 ,
I'm Chris, I work in the Customer Support Team at Immersive.
I am sorry that you're encountering an issue with Task 9 in the lab; I've just gone and tested this, and the task is working correctly.
Unfortunately, as this is a 'demonstrate' lab, we can't give too much away to assist here. The only thing I can say, is to copy the DNS name under 'Load Balancer', and open a new tab in the Chronium browser, starting http://[dns name here].
That should bring up the token needed to complete this task.
If it's still not working, can you attach some screenshots, so we can look into this further?Kindest regards,