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TillyCorless's avatar
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5 months ago

This Week in The Human Connection

Welcome to our new members this week charlene csheasby1 johndoe321 NHK NnekaAN1 mariusm JasDo silvaroohub f_alharthi94 CyberSharpe Johnleigbe Elyes-Ferjani elnara777 mavec natelott cloudshieldtech eam2nd me5382 PabloRocaRigazzio CF917192 faheemshahid tayfun xaxanoulis13 jameel RakanBarakat LN1 Kdemetr OmarAlRashdi woodsk518 TH3C0D3B734K37 ekoo  we're glad to have you here ✨ πŸ‘‹ 

In case you missed it, here’s a selection of our favourite content from The Human Connection this week:

Community Events

Join JonPaulGabriele ClemCraven & TomBoyle for this exclusive backstage webinar, a week on from the Puppet Master’s Revenge virtual Crisis Sim event this Cybersecurity Results Month. Our experts will share tips for planning and executing your own Crisis Simulation, so you can walk away ready to plan your own exercise. Register for Crisis Ready Webinar: Mastering the Design and Execution of Simulation for Real-World Resilience here.

Here’s one for our growing community in Bristol! Have you always wanted to get into tech but haven’t been sure where to start? Perhaps you’re considering a career change, or are currently undertaking our Cyber Million program. An introduction to Entry to Tech: Bristol Edition with Coding Black Females is one not to miss. Come along to learn more about Entry to Tech and listen to our graduates talk about their journeys into tech, what it’s like doing a Coding Black Females bootcamp, how to apply and much more.

Immersive Labs' Cyber Drills Roadshow is going (even more) global!  Zurich, Charlotte and Dallas have been confirmed as additional locations for our Cyber Drills Roadshow taking place this Cybersecurity Results Month - reserve your seat now!

Expert Guidance

In her article Cozy Bear? Not So Cozy...  EllaBendrickChartier explores the tactics and techniques used by the Cozy Bear threat actor group in their recent exploits and highlights content to help your teams stay resilient against the attack vectors used by the group, complete with bear puns.

Lead Cybersecurity Engineer, BenMcCarthy shared hot-off-the-press details on the Linux RCE that was leaked and released early and announced our new CTI Lab covering this, all within 24 hours! Check it out.

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Community Updates

This week, the Help & Support Forum saw discussions and solutions from cross-site scripting to public key infrastructure. Do you have experience with Detection Engineering? If so, why not share your expertise with f_alharthi94 on their question Introduction to Detection Engineering: Ep.5 – Custom Alerting.

Want to share your expertise but haven’t registered an account with The Human Connection? If you're not logged in, you cannot comment or interact with posts in the community. Simply head to the top-right of the page to register or sign in. Add your username, avatar and bio in your settings, and you're good to go! 


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