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Community Newsletter - February 2025

TillyCorless's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
12 days ago

Welcome to February’s edition of the community newsletter!

After what feels like a long month for many, February is finally here! Let's take a moment to look back at some of our favourite community highlights from January:

🏆 The Human Connection Challenge

First of all, The moment that many of you have been waiting for: The results of  Episode 3 of The Human Connection Challenge: Season 1.

Here are the top performing community members in each category:

🥇 First to Finish

jamesstammers was the first to finish the lab, in what can only be described as rapid speed! 

⏱️ Fastest to Complete

Xat was the fastest to finish, completing in a very respectable 48 minutes.

🎯 Most Accurate

Shout outs to autom8on jamesstammers Xat and ifeanyiukadike, who each completed the lab 100% accuracy.

💪 Most Persistent

They say that the most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time… audeyisaacscba & netcat did exactly that, securing the spots for the most persistent participants.

Congratulation to winners and all who took part. Share how you got on in the comments below, and keep your eyes peeled for ✨ Lab 4 ✨ later today 👀

If you'd like to see how the lab author BethHolden intended for you to complete the lab, check out the official walkthrough here

💡 Expert Insights

We kicked off this year with a content theme of our highly anticipated new feature, Custom Lab Builder. You can read all you need to know about lab builder here:

Feature Focus: Introducing Lab Builder

Feature Focus: Introducing Drag and Drop, Free Text Questions, and Instructional Tasks in the Lab Builder

A 3-part series from NaomiRoberts starting with From Concept to Content: A Deep Dive into Theorizing and Planning a Lab Collection

From Feng Shui to Surveys: How User Feedback Shapes Immersive Labs

And the beginning of a 3-part series from helenpayne & LauraBrady on Making the Most of Custom Lab Builder, deep-diving on topics including Accessibility, Inclusivity and Tone of Voice.

And as usual, our expert CTI team have worked tirelessly to deliver the latest in CTI news, including new labs & Patch Tuesday January 2025

🤝 Peer to Peer Support

We built the Human Connection to help our members to connect and support each other, so it’s great to see many of you actively engaging to troubleshoot challenges and sharing solutions over in the Help and Support forum. So far, the forum is proving its worth with over 180 solutions to date. 

This month I wanted to particularly wanted to thank RobN who achieved Bronze III Rank by providing hints and tips to numerous other members. Thank you!

In addition to forums, on Friday we introduced the community to the Human Connection Study Group! More news on the very first lab of Study Group coming later today. 

📰 Product Updates

If you are an Immersive Labs customer, come and read about all of the new features (including Lab Builder) and content in our January Release Notes.

🗓️ Exclusive Events

If you missed it, catch KevBreen DaveSpencer & DanPotter in the recording of Be Ready in 2025: Hot Cybersecurity Takes and How to Build Resilience

🔮 Looking Forward

We know how popular JP’s virtual Crisis Sims have been in this community, so you’ll be pleased to know that he’s back on valentines day with #LoveHacked Virtual Crisis Sim LIVE

To look forward, we need to look back over your experiences of the community, so please do take the time to complete the survey this week.

Last week we attended an Immersive off-site in Dublin, where we connected with colleagues across the business to plan lots of great initiatives, content and events to come in 2025, so watch this space! Of course, no trip to Dublin is complete without a visit to the Guiness Storehouse… It had to be done!

Stay tuned by following the News & Announcements Tag and turn on your email Notifications 👀

See you in the community soon!


Published 12 days ago
Version 1.0
  • Delighted to be one of the most persistent! I think in part I can thank the interruptions of my actual work for that haha. Excited for the Challenge Coin :D

    Looking forward to trying my hand at Lab 4!

      • audeyisaacscba's avatar
        Icon for Bronze II rankBronze II

        Wow that one was amazing! Definitely upped the challenge (for me at least) compared to previous labs, very satisfying to eventually get it.

  • KieranRowley's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Congratulations to all of our winners who will be the first to receive one of our brand new 2025 Challenge Coins (as soon as they have been minted!)